Major Accomplishments while in Office

  • New Community Center – now the hub of New Lebanon community events
  • Walking trail system installed in Shatford Park
  • Started the Free Store which now supports well over 100 visitors a week
  • Worked to ensure that wages of Town employees were competitive so the Town could hire and retain quality staff
  • Substantially increased the number of volunteers and committees that work for the Town to get great things done such as:
    • Handing out free food, masks and sanitizer during Covid
    • Became Silver Certified Climate Smart Community which inmcluded the creation of Repair Cafes, Bicycle Recycling, and battery recycling programs
    • Started water testing program to ensure that water throughout the town is safe and stays clean
    • Created welcome packets for new residents and businesses
    • Started new resident meet and greet events
    • Was one of the first communities to become designated pro-housing
Over $5.5 million in state and federal funding brought to New Lebanon

  • $2.5 million from NYS to close the landfill that has been under a consent order from NYSDEC ordering the town to close it since the 1980s
  • $1.99 million from the federal government for a walkable downtown project
  • $500,000 from NYS for walking trails and new universally accessible playground at Shatford Park
  • Tens of thousands of Federal funding to bring broadband to every home in New Lebanon
  • $325,000 in state funding from the clean energy communities program and climate smart program – these funds have been reinvested in upgrades to Town-owned buildings such as installing solar and heat pumps which has then decreased the budgetary needs annually for heating fuel and electricity – on track to get another $250,000 in October of 2025


The Leadership Our Town Still Needs

About Tistrya

Tistrya Houghtling is running for Town Supervisor in New Lebanon, New York,  in the November, 2025, election, so she can continue the good work she has done for the Town since becoming supervisor in 2020.

The world has changed much in the past five years, as has New Lebanon. Now, more than ever, we need a leader who is dedicated to enriching the lives of all residents of New Lebanon.







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Do you have time to volunteer?

We could use drivers, people willing to make phone calls, potential hosts for meet-the-candidate events, and more. Let us know who you are and how you might assist our campaign.